Transport companies Company name Email(required) Phone Number In which area would you like to operate? International 70% Benelux and 30% West Germany International Benelux, Germany, France National Netherlands National Germany Preferred kilometers per day? < 300km 300-500km 500-700km You want to operate on: Daily trips ( only area Rotterdam NL or Venlo NL ) Weekly trips ( mobile during the week and weekend at specific areas) Several weeks trip ( your truck is ending at random areas during the week and weekends) Do you also need a truck dispatcher? We could dispatch your driver only if he/she speaks: Dutch English Spanish Russian Lithuanian Macedonian, Serbian or Bulgarian Polish, Slovak or Czech Select the preferred loading weight: < 15 tons < 24 tons < 30 tons Do you own a trailer? Yes No Questions? Feel free to ask below ! Send Fill out the form and you may receive your dream transport offer soon!